
    Social Items


A.    Lost and Found Officers
Lost and found is a service provided to passengers who experienced problems with their luggage. Basically lost and found is a place of passengers who come to take his luggage. If a passenger finds his luggage damaged or missing, then passengers can also report it to officers who are in lost and found.
               As for some cases that have happened in lost and found are:
1.      Wrong take (wrong taken)
2.      Luggage is lost
3.      Found baggage / on hand baggage / surplus baggage
ü  If there is baggage identification, can be directly sent to lost station by using tag rush tag
ü  If there is no sign of identification, it will be stored in the existing warehouse in lost and found
4.      Damage / pilfered baggage
ü  damage baggage: broken luggage
ü  pilfered baggage: reduced trunk contents
5.       Ex cabin baggage findings
6.      Courtesy case, passenger baggage, but documents owned by passenger is not complete.

B.     Baggage Claim Tag 
                   Baggage Claim Tags are labeled / numbered baggage or more
 clearly labeled
 luggage marks listed. So this checked luggage passenger is already
 registered to be placed 
in the cargo compartment. This label / tag is given by the officer when 
the passenger checks in. 
Not all luggage are given this Claim Tag Baggage, only checked 
baggage (checked baggage) 
is labeled this. As for other luggage such as unchecked baggage just 
affixed label contact
                   Although only a label, but has an important role. Claim Tag 
Baggage serves as
 the identity of the baggage. Not only that Baggage Claim Tag 
affixed to the boarding pass
 and luggage is useful as a sign of luggage ownership. So if any loss 
or damage to passengers
 baggage can apply claim to Lost and Found by attaching the
 Claim Tag Baggage. 
With the Claim Tag it helps the Lost and Found officer facilitate 
the search or in the 
case of compensation (on the basis of baggage claim tags affixed
 on the boarding pass 
equal to those attached to the lost or damaged baggage). For that, 
during the journey
 (process flight) Claim Tag on the boarding pass do not
 disposed or damaged.
C.     Provisions if Lost / Lost Baggage
Checked Baggage
1.      Where baggage is not received on arrival or baggage is 
found to be in a defective state, 
passengers shall immediately report it to the Baggage Service 
office in the arrivals area 
before leaving the airport.
2.      For international flights only, the follow-up luggage damage
 reporting deadline is
 no later than 7 (seven) days from the date of flight arrival 
or from the time of baggage
3.      Reports to be followed up are reports that must be
completed with baggage tag number, 
identity card, and boarding pass.
4.      As evidence of the report, Bagage Service officers will issue
 the Property Irregularity 
Report (PIR) document.
5.      The process of luggage search reported missing will be done
 within a period of up to
 14 days. If baggage is found, it will be delivered to the address
 recorded in the PIR 
6.       If within 14 days of baggage not found then the baggage 
will be declared missing
 and can be claimed compensation or compensation.
7.      The deadline for the filing of a right to compensation or 
lost or damaged baggage
 compensation shall be 2 years from the date of manufacture 
of the PIR.
8.      Reports received after leaving the arrival area (excluding 
international flights) 
or not accompanied by a compulsory document, will be followed 
up as courtesy reports
 and written evidence of courtesy report form.
9.       Courtesy Report is a report on the occurrence of lost or 
damage to baggage to be
 followed up without any obligation to provide compensation or redress.
10.  Courtesy Report for lost luggage, Garuda Indonesia's
 responsibility is to assist
 the tracing / searching of lost baggage reports. Courtesy Report 
for luggage is broken, 
the report submitted will be a reference to our luggage service repairs.
11.  If baggage is not received on arrival (same date and flight number), 
Garuda Indonesia will provide First Need Compensation (FNC) / 
waiting money under the following conditions:
Domestic flight of IDR 200,000 per passenger per day, 
maximum 3 days
International sector flights are provided only 1 time for:
ü  USD 75 for economy class passengers
ü  USD 100 for business class passengers
ü  USD 200 for first class passengers
12.   Referring to the applicable regulations (Regulation of 
the Minister of Communications
 number PM 77 of 2011 and Warsaw Convention 1929), 
the indemnification form 
for baggage loss or the contents of checked baggage refers to
 the weight of the lost baggage
, subject to the following conditions:
ü  Domestic sectors:
§ Economy class, business class and first class:
 IDR 200.000, - / kg
ü  International sector:
ü  § Economy class, business class and first class: USD 24 / kg
13.   The forms of liability for damaged baggage are as follows:
ü   Minor Category Damage, ie the trunk function can 
still be used to store 
and carry baggage contents. For example: torn or small 
hole in the trunk, 
broken one wheel, broken handle, crook handle, loose straps, 
damage to the main zipper but still can be closed back, 
zipper damage on the side pockets, key damage, 
damage to the accessories attached to the trunk. Against this 
damage will be repaired
ü  Major Category Damage, ie functionally can 
not be used to store 
and carry baggage contents but still can be fixed. 
For example: torn or big hole
 on the part that can still be repaired, damage to the 
main zipper of the trunk 
so it can not be closed again, broken all the wheels
 / feet or 75% wheel / legs
 can not work. Against this damage will be repaired or replaced
ü  Damage Total Damage category, which is functionally
 unusable and can not 
be repaired. Eg: Baggage broke / destroyed total. Against this
 damage will be replaced.
14.  Airline shall be exempt from claims for loss of loss suffered by 
passengers against the loss of valuables or valuables belonging
 to the passengers 
held in the checked baggage. Passengers are required to issue
 / keep / ensure 
their valuable or valuable items contained in the checked 
baggage to be always
in their sole discretion (taken to cabin baggage).
               Cabin Baggage
1. If you lost or left baggage cabin or goods inside the aircraft cabin, 
you can immediately report it to the baggage service office at arrival airport. 
Airline will conduct inspection of the findings of the goods on the flight.
2. Airline shall not be liable for baggage loss, unless it can be proven that the loss 
was caused by the negligence of staff, employees or parties employed 
by the Airline and such verification may be accepted or based on a court decision
 having a permanent (inkracht) legal force.
3. With respect to the inventory items in the cabin, Airline shall check or verify
 the ownership in accordance with the instructions indicated on the goods.
 If contact and ownership information is found, Airline will contact the
owner to be picked up
 immediately at the airport (where the Airline operates).
               Baggage Handling and Non-Commanded Goods
1. If we find luggage / goods without identity, we will conduct a search based
 on reservation data and / or instructions contained in the baggage or the goods.
2. If there is no certainty of ownership of the baggage / goods, 
Airline will perform luggage / goods storage for 3 months from the 
date of arrival of the flight
 or the date of the invention of the baggage / item.
3. In the event of a claim of ownership during the retention period, 
we will perform the verification and handover of the baggage / goods if
 the match is obtained based on the verification.
4. If within 3 months based on the result of verification and investigation 
there is no certainty of ownership, Airline will exterminate in accordance 
with Air Flight Ordinance (OPU) Number 100 jo 101 Year 1939.
               5. Especially for baggage / goods with the following properties:
ü  Foul, damaging, contaminating, contaminating, or destructive.
ü  For reasons of safety, health and comfort may cause harm or harm.
               Airline will immediately destroy the baggage without waiting for 3 
months storage period.
1. Baggage / luggage: This term is used to refer to our luggage as a luggage 
that you include in air travel in the form of property, articles, 
and other personal items that have been through the procedures of the airlines 
and allowed to be brought either through the cargo or that is brought
 to the cabin aircraft 
in accordance with the purpose of the passenger.
2. Priority Baggage is special baggage handling on departure and arrival time.
3. RI Reason Lost is Reason of Regularity is the cause of baggage mishandling, 
special on Origin station.
4. RL Reason Lost is the cause of baggage misshandling on the origin station, 
any station arrival station, transfer station and general airport.
5. LOADSHEET is a flight document containing the total load of passengers, 
baggage, cargo 
and data showing the take off position and the landing of an aircraft. 
This document must be signed by the PIC prior to departure.
6. Fragile: Fragile means fragile or easily broken. 
While at the airport, sometimes we carry goods that are easily damaged on the trip. 
To let other people know about it and be careful, 
then there is a sticker inscribed fragile in your suitcase.
7. Baggage Tags: Documents issued by airlines to sign passenger baggage. 
It is also to give a certain mark (whether the object is in the category of 
glass objects) of the trunk. 
The baggage tag is numbered according to the number affixed to the passenger ticket.
8. Courtesy Report is a report on the loss or damage of baggage to be followed up 
without any obligation to provide compensation or redress.
9. Property Irregularity Report (PIR). : documents filled by lost and 
found officers completed 
with baggage tag number, identity card and boarding pass during 
baggage loss / damage.
10. Load Master is a ground handling officer on duty that ensures all 
luggage / cargo / heading up 
and down from the aircraft is recorded and reported as well as load plan
 or load planning.
11. Checked Baggage is all carrying goods of registered passengers, 
weighed and transported into the compartment on the plane. 
Checked baggage (checked baggage) must be labeled as an identifier
 in accordance 
with the destination city.
12. Cabin Baggage / Unchecked Baggage are goods belonging to
 unregistered passengers
 and allowed to be taken into the cabin of the aircraft. Passenger is responsible 
for the Cabin baggage (carrying goods) it carries it.
13. Baggage Label is a label given as a sign of a trunk.
14. BHI is Baggage Handling Irregularity that is case of damage,
 loss, wrong destination, 
lagging and other deviation arising from negligence / error handling 
of checked baggage.
15. Baggage Claim Area is Area / where passengers take their luggage
 at destination station.
16. Baggage allowance: baggage allowed to enter the aircraft in accordance with 
applicable procedures.
17. Boarding pass: Document access to board the aircraft provided by 
the airline to passengers
18. Registered luggage: checked baggage
19. To frisk: ransack (passenger luggage)
20. Check-in luggage: From luggage word which means suitcase or luggage, check-in
 luggage means the suitcase or item you carry will be stored in the cargo
 section in the plane.
21. Carry-on luggage: commonly called hand luggage, meaning that bag is
 carried into the cabin plane



A.    Lost and Found Officers
Lost and found is a service provided to passengers who experienced problems with their luggage. Basically lost and found is a place of passengers who come to take his luggage. If a passenger finds his luggage damaged or missing, then passengers can also report it to officers who are in lost and found.
               As for some cases that have happened in lost and found are:
1.      Wrong take (wrong taken)
2.      Luggage is lost
3.      Found baggage / on hand baggage / surplus baggage
ü  If there is baggage identification, can be directly sent to lost station by using tag rush tag
ü  If there is no sign of identification, it will be stored in the existing warehouse in lost and found
4.      Damage / pilfered baggage
ü  damage baggage: broken luggage
ü  pilfered baggage: reduced trunk contents
5.       Ex cabin baggage findings
6.      Courtesy case, passenger baggage, but documents owned by passenger is not complete.

B.     Baggage Claim Tag 
                   Baggage Claim Tags are labeled / numbered baggage or more
 clearly labeled
 luggage marks listed. So this checked luggage passenger is already
 registered to be placed 
in the cargo compartment. This label / tag is given by the officer when 
the passenger checks in. 
Not all luggage are given this Claim Tag Baggage, only checked 
baggage (checked baggage) 
is labeled this. As for other luggage such as unchecked baggage just 
affixed label contact
                   Although only a label, but has an important role. Claim Tag 
Baggage serves as
 the identity of the baggage. Not only that Baggage Claim Tag 
affixed to the boarding pass
 and luggage is useful as a sign of luggage ownership. So if any loss 
or damage to passengers
 baggage can apply claim to Lost and Found by attaching the
 Claim Tag Baggage. 
With the Claim Tag it helps the Lost and Found officer facilitate 
the search or in the 
case of compensation (on the basis of baggage claim tags affixed
 on the boarding pass 
equal to those attached to the lost or damaged baggage). For that, 
during the journey
 (process flight) Claim Tag on the boarding pass do not
 disposed or damaged.
C.     Provisions if Lost / Lost Baggage
Checked Baggage
1.      Where baggage is not received on arrival or baggage is 
found to be in a defective state, 
passengers shall immediately report it to the Baggage Service 
office in the arrivals area 
before leaving the airport.
2.      For international flights only, the follow-up luggage damage
 reporting deadline is
 no later than 7 (seven) days from the date of flight arrival 
or from the time of baggage
3.      Reports to be followed up are reports that must be
completed with baggage tag number, 
identity card, and boarding pass.
4.      As evidence of the report, Bagage Service officers will issue
 the Property Irregularity 
Report (PIR) document.
5.      The process of luggage search reported missing will be done
 within a period of up to
 14 days. If baggage is found, it will be delivered to the address
 recorded in the PIR 
6.       If within 14 days of baggage not found then the baggage 
will be declared missing
 and can be claimed compensation or compensation.
7.      The deadline for the filing of a right to compensation or 
lost or damaged baggage
 compensation shall be 2 years from the date of manufacture 
of the PIR.
8.      Reports received after leaving the arrival area (excluding 
international flights) 
or not accompanied by a compulsory document, will be followed 
up as courtesy reports
 and written evidence of courtesy report form.
9.       Courtesy Report is a report on the occurrence of lost or 
damage to baggage to be
 followed up without any obligation to provide compensation or redress.
10.  Courtesy Report for lost luggage, Garuda Indonesia's
 responsibility is to assist
 the tracing / searching of lost baggage reports. Courtesy Report 
for luggage is broken, 
the report submitted will be a reference to our luggage service repairs.
11.  If baggage is not received on arrival (same date and flight number), 
Garuda Indonesia will provide First Need Compensation (FNC) / 
waiting money under the following conditions:
Domestic flight of IDR 200,000 per passenger per day, 
maximum 3 days
International sector flights are provided only 1 time for:
ü  USD 75 for economy class passengers
ü  USD 100 for business class passengers
ü  USD 200 for first class passengers
12.   Referring to the applicable regulations (Regulation of 
the Minister of Communications
 number PM 77 of 2011 and Warsaw Convention 1929), 
the indemnification form 
for baggage loss or the contents of checked baggage refers to
 the weight of the lost baggage
, subject to the following conditions:
ü  Domestic sectors:
§ Economy class, business class and first class:
 IDR 200.000, - / kg
ü  International sector:
ü  § Economy class, business class and first class: USD 24 / kg
13.   The forms of liability for damaged baggage are as follows:
ü   Minor Category Damage, ie the trunk function can 
still be used to store 
and carry baggage contents. For example: torn or small 
hole in the trunk, 
broken one wheel, broken handle, crook handle, loose straps, 
damage to the main zipper but still can be closed back, 
zipper damage on the side pockets, key damage, 
damage to the accessories attached to the trunk. Against this 
damage will be repaired
ü  Major Category Damage, ie functionally can 
not be used to store 
and carry baggage contents but still can be fixed. 
For example: torn or big hole
 on the part that can still be repaired, damage to the 
main zipper of the trunk 
so it can not be closed again, broken all the wheels
 / feet or 75% wheel / legs
 can not work. Against this damage will be repaired or replaced
ü  Damage Total Damage category, which is functionally
 unusable and can not 
be repaired. Eg: Baggage broke / destroyed total. Against this
 damage will be replaced.
14.  Airline shall be exempt from claims for loss of loss suffered by 
passengers against the loss of valuables or valuables belonging
 to the passengers 
held in the checked baggage. Passengers are required to issue
 / keep / ensure 
their valuable or valuable items contained in the checked 
baggage to be always
in their sole discretion (taken to cabin baggage).
               Cabin Baggage
1. If you lost or left baggage cabin or goods inside the aircraft cabin, 
you can immediately report it to the baggage service office at arrival airport. 
Airline will conduct inspection of the findings of the goods on the flight.
2. Airline shall not be liable for baggage loss, unless it can be proven that the loss 
was caused by the negligence of staff, employees or parties employed 
by the Airline and such verification may be accepted or based on a court decision
 having a permanent (inkracht) legal force.
3. With respect to the inventory items in the cabin, Airline shall check or verify
 the ownership in accordance with the instructions indicated on the goods.
 If contact and ownership information is found, Airline will contact the
owner to be picked up
 immediately at the airport (where the Airline operates).
               Baggage Handling and Non-Commanded Goods
1. If we find luggage / goods without identity, we will conduct a search based
 on reservation data and / or instructions contained in the baggage or the goods.
2. If there is no certainty of ownership of the baggage / goods, 
Airline will perform luggage / goods storage for 3 months from the 
date of arrival of the flight
 or the date of the invention of the baggage / item.
3. In the event of a claim of ownership during the retention period, 
we will perform the verification and handover of the baggage / goods if
 the match is obtained based on the verification.
4. If within 3 months based on the result of verification and investigation 
there is no certainty of ownership, Airline will exterminate in accordance 
with Air Flight Ordinance (OPU) Number 100 jo 101 Year 1939.
               5. Especially for baggage / goods with the following properties:
ü  Foul, damaging, contaminating, contaminating, or destructive.
ü  For reasons of safety, health and comfort may cause harm or harm.
               Airline will immediately destroy the baggage without waiting for 3 
months storage period.
1. Baggage / luggage: This term is used to refer to our luggage as a luggage 
that you include in air travel in the form of property, articles, 
and other personal items that have been through the procedures of the airlines 
and allowed to be brought either through the cargo or that is brought
 to the cabin aircraft 
in accordance with the purpose of the passenger.
2. Priority Baggage is special baggage handling on departure and arrival time.
3. RI Reason Lost is Reason of Regularity is the cause of baggage mishandling, 
special on Origin station.
4. RL Reason Lost is the cause of baggage misshandling on the origin station, 
any station arrival station, transfer station and general airport.
5. LOADSHEET is a flight document containing the total load of passengers, 
baggage, cargo 
and data showing the take off position and the landing of an aircraft. 
This document must be signed by the PIC prior to departure.
6. Fragile: Fragile means fragile or easily broken. 
While at the airport, sometimes we carry goods that are easily damaged on the trip. 
To let other people know about it and be careful, 
then there is a sticker inscribed fragile in your suitcase.
7. Baggage Tags: Documents issued by airlines to sign passenger baggage. 
It is also to give a certain mark (whether the object is in the category of 
glass objects) of the trunk. 
The baggage tag is numbered according to the number affixed to the passenger ticket.
8. Courtesy Report is a report on the loss or damage of baggage to be followed up 
without any obligation to provide compensation or redress.
9. Property Irregularity Report (PIR). : documents filled by lost and 
found officers completed 
with baggage tag number, identity card and boarding pass during 
baggage loss / damage.
10. Load Master is a ground handling officer on duty that ensures all 
luggage / cargo / heading up 
and down from the aircraft is recorded and reported as well as load plan
 or load planning.
11. Checked Baggage is all carrying goods of registered passengers, 
weighed and transported into the compartment on the plane. 
Checked baggage (checked baggage) must be labeled as an identifier
 in accordance 
with the destination city.
12. Cabin Baggage / Unchecked Baggage are goods belonging to
 unregistered passengers
 and allowed to be taken into the cabin of the aircraft. Passenger is responsible 
for the Cabin baggage (carrying goods) it carries it.
13. Baggage Label is a label given as a sign of a trunk.
14. BHI is Baggage Handling Irregularity that is case of damage,
 loss, wrong destination, 
lagging and other deviation arising from negligence / error handling 
of checked baggage.
15. Baggage Claim Area is Area / where passengers take their luggage
 at destination station.
16. Baggage allowance: baggage allowed to enter the aircraft in accordance with 
applicable procedures.
17. Boarding pass: Document access to board the aircraft provided by 
the airline to passengers
18. Registered luggage: checked baggage
19. To frisk: ransack (passenger luggage)
20. Check-in luggage: From luggage word which means suitcase or luggage, check-in
 luggage means the suitcase or item you carry will be stored in the cargo
 section in the plane.
21. Carry-on luggage: commonly called hand luggage, meaning that bag is
 carried into the cabin plane