
    Social Items


NARATOR    : Long time ago, there lived a man named KABAYAN with his family in a 
  small village. One day, his AMBU get angry because he just sleep everyday  
  and don’t do anything for get a job.
AMBU            : (Sceamed) “Kabayan.... kabayan!!!!”
KABAYAN   : (Still Sleep) “Zzzzzzz”
AMBU            : (Hit kabayan) “Asstagfirullah Kabayan!! Get up now!!!”
KABAYAN   : (open his eyes and getting up) “What happend Mom? I am so sleepy now..
AMBU            : “Kabayan Kabayan. How you can get a job if you just sleep every time?”
KABAYAN   : “Never mind Mom, I’ll thought about that”
AMBU            : “You must get a job Kabayan, how about your wife and your children if up
   until now you don’t get a job?”
KABAYAN   : “Okay mom, I promise I’ll Get a job”
AMBU            : “Okay, do it now!”
KABAYAN   : (stand up) “Yeaa, I’ll go now. Assalamualaikum”
AMBU            : “Waalaikumsalam”

NARATOR    : Kabayan walked aroud the village he want to leed some money to buy a
  fram. He thought that the farm would make him become a rich person. He  
  decided to lend it from  MR. TOHA, the richest man in his village.
KABAYAN   : (Knocked the door) “Assalamualikum....”
MS. TOHA     : (Open the door) “Oh Kabayan, what can I do for you?”
KABAYAN   : “Is Mr. Toha home?”
MS. TOHA     : “Yes, he is home. What’s metter?”
KABAYAN   : “I need to meet him. Would you mind to call him for me?”
MS. TOHA     : “Yes sure, take a sit. I’ll call him, wait a minute.”
KABAYAN   : “Yes thank you”

NARATOR    : Ms. Toha went inside her house to call his husband)
MR. TOHA     : “Oh Kabayan huh.. what’s up boy?”
KABAYAN   : “Hmmm... I need to talk to you sir. I need some money. I want to buy a farm
   near my house. And I think, you are the richest person here, so.. may I lend
  some money from you?”
MR. TOHA     : “You mant to lend some money from me? Okay, no problem. How much?”
KABAYAN   : “Five million rupiah”
MR. TOHA     : “Okay I’ll get it fror you. Wait a minute”
KABAYAN   : “Yes, thanks sir”

NARATOR    : Mr. Toha got in to hos house to take the money
MR. TOHA     : “Here, five million right?”
KABAYAN   : “Yes, sir thank you so much”
MR. TOHA     : “Yes. You know the conditions right? You have to pay it next mounth with
   twtenty percent of the money you lent. What you think?”
KABAYAN   : “ye sir, no problem. I’ll pay it next mounth thank you so much.
MR. TOHA     : “yes. Just go. I need to get some rest.”
KABAYAN   : “okay sir thanks. Assalamualikum”
MR. TOHA     : “waalaikumsalam”

NARATOR    : Kabayan was very happy because Mr. Toha could leed him some money to
  buy the farm. While he was walking home, he sang a lovely song.
Ms. Kabayan   : “Honey, you look so happy. What happened?”
KABAYAN   :  “Mr. Toha lent some money to buy the farm. We will rich!!!!!”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Are you seriously? That’s a good news!”
Kabayan          : “yea, it serious. We will rich my dear!! We will rich!!”
AMBU            : “You are so noisy! What are you doing?”
Ms. Kabayan   : “we will rich mom, we will rich!!”
AMBU            : “Okay, that’s good.”

NARATOR    : They jumped around their own house becase they were very happy

NARATOR    : Time pass by and it is next mounth since Kabayan lent the money from Mr.
  Toha. And now he was sitting on a chair in his terrace. He was looking for an  
  idea to pay the debt. The farm that he bougth to make him rich didn’t
  produce good crops for him. So he dicided to sell it with a lower price. He
  was completly lost. And now,  he sat on the bench and thought how to pay
  his debt. While he was seriously thingking about it, his wife came and bought
  him a cup of coffee.
Ms. Kabayan   : “What happened to you my husband? You look so counfused”
KABAYAN   : “I must pay the debt to Mr. Toha today. But you know right, I have no
   money to pay it.”
Ms. Kabayan   : “What kind I do for you?”
KABAYAN   : “Just go inside. I shall think about it again until I find the way to pay it.”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay..”

NARATOR    : After a few times, Kabayan finally found a good idea. He stood up and
  jumped happily.
KABAYAN   : “Ahh!! I have a good idea!!! My wife! Come here hurry up!!”
Ms. Kabayan   : (Run to her Husband) “What’s the matter?”
KABAYAN   : “I have got an idea. Call mom, and our children! Hurry!”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay, wit a minute” (Go to call Ambu, Euis and Neneng)
NENENG       : “What happened mom? I am on facebook you know! You distrubed me!”
EUIS               : “Yeah, what happened? I have a lot of things to to!”
AMBU            : “What things? You just pretend to be busy!”
EUIS               : “Whatever”
KABAYAN   : “What’s wrong with you? You should help me now!”
NENENG       : “Help? What cand I do for you dead?”
KABAYAN   : “Please take a glue and double tape. Hurry up! We don’t have much time!!”
EUIS               : “Huh? For what dead?”
KABAYAN   : “Shut up!! Just take it for me now! Hurry!!”
Euis & Neneng : “Okay dead, we’ll get it now”
KABAYAN   : “And you my wife, and mom. Teke a pillow for me please!”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay. Lets go mom”
AMBU            : “Okay”

NARATOR    : They do what that all of Kabayan asked for them
Ms. Kabayan   : “Here is the pillow”
NENENG       : “Here is the glue dead”
EUIS               : “And here is the double tape”
KABAYAN   : “Okay, thanks” (get all things)

NARATOR    : Then kabayan stared to tear the pillow and took all the kapok.
KABAYAN   : “Now, you must cover my body with this kapok (lift the pillow)
MK, A, N, E   : “Okay!!” (Stared to cover Kabayan’s body with the kapok)

NARATOR    : After a few times, Kabayan’s body was full of kapok.
KABAYAN   : “Now I will got into goat stable. If Mr. Toha, his wife and his daugther come,
   tell him that I go to the king to ofer my magic bird.
EUIS               : “Then?”
KABAYAN   : “Then, tell him that I will use the money to pay my debt to him.
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay I understand”
AMBU            : “Yea, me too”
Euis & Neneng : “Yes, we Understand”

NARATOR    : Then Kabayan got into the goat stable. A few times later, Mr. Toha, his wife,
  and his daughter Iis arrived at Kabayan’s house.
MR. TOHA     : “Where is Kabayan?”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Where is Kabayan? He promised to pay all of debt today!”
NENENG       : “My dead is not at home now”
IIS                   : “You lie, I don’t believe you! Where is your Father?”
EUIS               : “Hey she dosen’t lie! Our dead is not here now!!”
IIS                   : “Hey, don’t touch me!! Oh My GOD you meke my clothes dirty”
NENENG       : “What are you saying?”
MR. TOHA     : “Shut Up!! Now where is Kabayan?”
AMBU            : “Don’t you hear them sir, Kabayan is not here”
MR. TOHA     : “YOU LIED!!” (Begin angry)
MS. TOHA     : “Calm down my honey. Alright, try to look after him in his old house! I’m
   sure he is here”
MR. TOHA     : “Okay, you are right. Now Iis, and you my wife, go inside and find him!”
IIS                   : “Okay dead”
MS. TOHA     : “Okay, I’ll find him”

NARATOR    : They walked around Kabayan’s house and try to find him. But, they can’t
   find Kabayan anywhere.
IIS                   : “Dead, I don’t find him everywhere”
MS. TOHA     : “Our Daughter righ my dear, he is not here”
EUIS               : “Isn’t it right? My dead is not home”
MR. TOHA     : “Where is Kabayan?”
NENENG       : “My dead offering his magic bird to the king”
IIS                   : “Magic bird?”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Yes, a magic bird”
MR. TOHA     : “Where is the bird? I want to see it!”
MS. TOHA     : “Yeah, where is the bird, let we see it!”
AMBU            : “No! You may not see it!!”
MR. TOHA     : “I don’t care! My wife, my girl, lets find the bird!”

NARATOR    : Mr. Toha, his wife and his daugther go around Kabayan house to looking for
  the magic bird. Until finally, Mr. Toha found something strange in the goat
  stable. He dicided to open the stable, when he opened the stable, Kabayan
  run out from the stable. He ran very fast.
MR. TOHA     : “What is that?”
MS. TOHA     : “Yeh, it’s so misteriuosly”
MR. TOHA     : “Hmm, I’ll open the stable”
MS. TOHA     : “No!! Don’t open the stable!!”

NARATOR    : When the stable was open, kabayan run very fast and finally dissapear
Ms. Kabayan   : “Look what you do! The bird is released!!”
EUIS               : “How does it would be mom?”
NENENG       : “Yeah, the revenue of the bird sale will be use to pay the debt. But now the
  bird is released”
EUIS               : “Yeah, then how can we pay our debt?”
MR. TOHA     : “I am so sorry, I don’t mean to”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Then, what should we do now?”   
MR. TOHA     : “Hmm, as an apology, all your debt is paid”
EUIS               : “You lied!”
MR. TOHA     : “No, I’m serious. All your debt is paid. But don’t tell to the king that I
   released the bird”
NENENG       : “Actually that still less... but thank you. That’s very kind of you.
MS. TOHA     : “Okay honey, lest go home now”
IIS                   : “yeah dead, lets go home”
MR. TOHA     : “Okay, we’ll home now. I am sorry for the bird. Assalamualaikum..”
MK, E, N, A   : “Waalaikumsalam”

NARATOR    : After that, MR. Toha, his wife and his daugther leave the house quickly.
  Then, Kabayan appear with a joyful face.
KABAYAN   : “How does my plan? Isn’t it amazing?”
EUIS               : “Haha, you are so clever dead”
AMBU            : “Kabayan.. kabayan”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Yeaaa.. you are totally clever”
NENENG       : “Your Idea was incredible!”
KABAYAN   : “Of course, KABAYAAAN te’a...... hahaha”
NARATOR    : In the end, they were happy because they don’t need to pay the debt. They
  held a simple party for three days, and from then on, they tried not to lend  
  money from other people.




NARATOR    : Long time ago, there lived a man named KABAYAN with his family in a 
  small village. One day, his AMBU get angry because he just sleep everyday  
  and don’t do anything for get a job.
AMBU            : (Sceamed) “Kabayan.... kabayan!!!!”
KABAYAN   : (Still Sleep) “Zzzzzzz”
AMBU            : (Hit kabayan) “Asstagfirullah Kabayan!! Get up now!!!”
KABAYAN   : (open his eyes and getting up) “What happend Mom? I am so sleepy now..
AMBU            : “Kabayan Kabayan. How you can get a job if you just sleep every time?”
KABAYAN   : “Never mind Mom, I’ll thought about that”
AMBU            : “You must get a job Kabayan, how about your wife and your children if up
   until now you don’t get a job?”
KABAYAN   : “Okay mom, I promise I’ll Get a job”
AMBU            : “Okay, do it now!”
KABAYAN   : (stand up) “Yeaa, I’ll go now. Assalamualaikum”
AMBU            : “Waalaikumsalam”

NARATOR    : Kabayan walked aroud the village he want to leed some money to buy a
  fram. He thought that the farm would make him become a rich person. He  
  decided to lend it from  MR. TOHA, the richest man in his village.
KABAYAN   : (Knocked the door) “Assalamualikum....”
MS. TOHA     : (Open the door) “Oh Kabayan, what can I do for you?”
KABAYAN   : “Is Mr. Toha home?”
MS. TOHA     : “Yes, he is home. What’s metter?”
KABAYAN   : “I need to meet him. Would you mind to call him for me?”
MS. TOHA     : “Yes sure, take a sit. I’ll call him, wait a minute.”
KABAYAN   : “Yes thank you”

NARATOR    : Ms. Toha went inside her house to call his husband)
MR. TOHA     : “Oh Kabayan huh.. what’s up boy?”
KABAYAN   : “Hmmm... I need to talk to you sir. I need some money. I want to buy a farm
   near my house. And I think, you are the richest person here, so.. may I lend
  some money from you?”
MR. TOHA     : “You mant to lend some money from me? Okay, no problem. How much?”
KABAYAN   : “Five million rupiah”
MR. TOHA     : “Okay I’ll get it fror you. Wait a minute”
KABAYAN   : “Yes, thanks sir”

NARATOR    : Mr. Toha got in to hos house to take the money
MR. TOHA     : “Here, five million right?”
KABAYAN   : “Yes, sir thank you so much”
MR. TOHA     : “Yes. You know the conditions right? You have to pay it next mounth with
   twtenty percent of the money you lent. What you think?”
KABAYAN   : “ye sir, no problem. I’ll pay it next mounth thank you so much.
MR. TOHA     : “yes. Just go. I need to get some rest.”
KABAYAN   : “okay sir thanks. Assalamualikum”
MR. TOHA     : “waalaikumsalam”

NARATOR    : Kabayan was very happy because Mr. Toha could leed him some money to
  buy the farm. While he was walking home, he sang a lovely song.
Ms. Kabayan   : “Honey, you look so happy. What happened?”
KABAYAN   :  “Mr. Toha lent some money to buy the farm. We will rich!!!!!”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Are you seriously? That’s a good news!”
Kabayan          : “yea, it serious. We will rich my dear!! We will rich!!”
AMBU            : “You are so noisy! What are you doing?”
Ms. Kabayan   : “we will rich mom, we will rich!!”
AMBU            : “Okay, that’s good.”

NARATOR    : They jumped around their own house becase they were very happy

NARATOR    : Time pass by and it is next mounth since Kabayan lent the money from Mr.
  Toha. And now he was sitting on a chair in his terrace. He was looking for an  
  idea to pay the debt. The farm that he bougth to make him rich didn’t
  produce good crops for him. So he dicided to sell it with a lower price. He
  was completly lost. And now,  he sat on the bench and thought how to pay
  his debt. While he was seriously thingking about it, his wife came and bought
  him a cup of coffee.
Ms. Kabayan   : “What happened to you my husband? You look so counfused”
KABAYAN   : “I must pay the debt to Mr. Toha today. But you know right, I have no
   money to pay it.”
Ms. Kabayan   : “What kind I do for you?”
KABAYAN   : “Just go inside. I shall think about it again until I find the way to pay it.”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay..”

NARATOR    : After a few times, Kabayan finally found a good idea. He stood up and
  jumped happily.
KABAYAN   : “Ahh!! I have a good idea!!! My wife! Come here hurry up!!”
Ms. Kabayan   : (Run to her Husband) “What’s the matter?”
KABAYAN   : “I have got an idea. Call mom, and our children! Hurry!”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay, wit a minute” (Go to call Ambu, Euis and Neneng)
NENENG       : “What happened mom? I am on facebook you know! You distrubed me!”
EUIS               : “Yeah, what happened? I have a lot of things to to!”
AMBU            : “What things? You just pretend to be busy!”
EUIS               : “Whatever”
KABAYAN   : “What’s wrong with you? You should help me now!”
NENENG       : “Help? What cand I do for you dead?”
KABAYAN   : “Please take a glue and double tape. Hurry up! We don’t have much time!!”
EUIS               : “Huh? For what dead?”
KABAYAN   : “Shut up!! Just take it for me now! Hurry!!”
Euis & Neneng : “Okay dead, we’ll get it now”
KABAYAN   : “And you my wife, and mom. Teke a pillow for me please!”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay. Lets go mom”
AMBU            : “Okay”

NARATOR    : They do what that all of Kabayan asked for them
Ms. Kabayan   : “Here is the pillow”
NENENG       : “Here is the glue dead”
EUIS               : “And here is the double tape”
KABAYAN   : “Okay, thanks” (get all things)

NARATOR    : Then kabayan stared to tear the pillow and took all the kapok.
KABAYAN   : “Now, you must cover my body with this kapok (lift the pillow)
MK, A, N, E   : “Okay!!” (Stared to cover Kabayan’s body with the kapok)

NARATOR    : After a few times, Kabayan’s body was full of kapok.
KABAYAN   : “Now I will got into goat stable. If Mr. Toha, his wife and his daugther come,
   tell him that I go to the king to ofer my magic bird.
EUIS               : “Then?”
KABAYAN   : “Then, tell him that I will use the money to pay my debt to him.
Ms. Kabayan   : “Okay I understand”
AMBU            : “Yea, me too”
Euis & Neneng : “Yes, we Understand”

NARATOR    : Then Kabayan got into the goat stable. A few times later, Mr. Toha, his wife,
  and his daughter Iis arrived at Kabayan’s house.
MR. TOHA     : “Where is Kabayan?”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Where is Kabayan? He promised to pay all of debt today!”
NENENG       : “My dead is not at home now”
IIS                   : “You lie, I don’t believe you! Where is your Father?”
EUIS               : “Hey she dosen’t lie! Our dead is not here now!!”
IIS                   : “Hey, don’t touch me!! Oh My GOD you meke my clothes dirty”
NENENG       : “What are you saying?”
MR. TOHA     : “Shut Up!! Now where is Kabayan?”
AMBU            : “Don’t you hear them sir, Kabayan is not here”
MR. TOHA     : “YOU LIED!!” (Begin angry)
MS. TOHA     : “Calm down my honey. Alright, try to look after him in his old house! I’m
   sure he is here”
MR. TOHA     : “Okay, you are right. Now Iis, and you my wife, go inside and find him!”
IIS                   : “Okay dead”
MS. TOHA     : “Okay, I’ll find him”

NARATOR    : They walked around Kabayan’s house and try to find him. But, they can’t
   find Kabayan anywhere.
IIS                   : “Dead, I don’t find him everywhere”
MS. TOHA     : “Our Daughter righ my dear, he is not here”
EUIS               : “Isn’t it right? My dead is not home”
MR. TOHA     : “Where is Kabayan?”
NENENG       : “My dead offering his magic bird to the king”
IIS                   : “Magic bird?”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Yes, a magic bird”
MR. TOHA     : “Where is the bird? I want to see it!”
MS. TOHA     : “Yeah, where is the bird, let we see it!”
AMBU            : “No! You may not see it!!”
MR. TOHA     : “I don’t care! My wife, my girl, lets find the bird!”

NARATOR    : Mr. Toha, his wife and his daugther go around Kabayan house to looking for
  the magic bird. Until finally, Mr. Toha found something strange in the goat
  stable. He dicided to open the stable, when he opened the stable, Kabayan
  run out from the stable. He ran very fast.
MR. TOHA     : “What is that?”
MS. TOHA     : “Yeh, it’s so misteriuosly”
MR. TOHA     : “Hmm, I’ll open the stable”
MS. TOHA     : “No!! Don’t open the stable!!”

NARATOR    : When the stable was open, kabayan run very fast and finally dissapear
Ms. Kabayan   : “Look what you do! The bird is released!!”
EUIS               : “How does it would be mom?”
NENENG       : “Yeah, the revenue of the bird sale will be use to pay the debt. But now the
  bird is released”
EUIS               : “Yeah, then how can we pay our debt?”
MR. TOHA     : “I am so sorry, I don’t mean to”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Then, what should we do now?”   
MR. TOHA     : “Hmm, as an apology, all your debt is paid”
EUIS               : “You lied!”
MR. TOHA     : “No, I’m serious. All your debt is paid. But don’t tell to the king that I
   released the bird”
NENENG       : “Actually that still less... but thank you. That’s very kind of you.
MS. TOHA     : “Okay honey, lest go home now”
IIS                   : “yeah dead, lets go home”
MR. TOHA     : “Okay, we’ll home now. I am sorry for the bird. Assalamualaikum..”
MK, E, N, A   : “Waalaikumsalam”

NARATOR    : After that, MR. Toha, his wife and his daugther leave the house quickly.
  Then, Kabayan appear with a joyful face.
KABAYAN   : “How does my plan? Isn’t it amazing?”
EUIS               : “Haha, you are so clever dead”
AMBU            : “Kabayan.. kabayan”
Ms. Kabayan   : “Yeaaa.. you are totally clever”
NENENG       : “Your Idea was incredible!”
KABAYAN   : “Of course, KABAYAAAN te’a...... hahaha”
NARATOR    : In the end, they were happy because they don’t need to pay the debt. They
  held a simple party for three days, and from then on, they tried not to lend  
  money from other people.